Pain control without drugs. Imagine what it would be like to reduce your pain.
Think that’s impossible . . . It isn’t and my patients prove it. Now you can benefit too.
So, what is the secret? I use scientific research about how our minds process pain to develop programmes and products to help you reduce it.
By following a simple routine, you can build your mental strength and control the messages your body is sending.
All my products and programmes are based on the latest scientific knowledge of how the brain processes pain. They are designed SPECIFICALLY to deal with pain. They will teach you how to change the way your brain interprets the messages your body is sending.
They are designed to fit in with your life. There are no impossible schedules or difficult routines. You will be able to carry on with your everyday life, but WITH MUCH LESS PAIN.
It’s YOUR perception of YOUR pain and it can be in YOUR control.
I am an expert in pain management with 20 years’ experience. Over the years, I have developed treatments and techniques which CONTROL pain. These rely on understanding pain, developing good routines for your lifestyle, knowing when to take action and learning to pace yourself.
I offer the sorts of targeted psychological services top sportspeople use. It’s about sharpening your attitude and committing to a programme which works. It’s as if you are training for a marathon and one you are going to finish in style. Your marathon is getting back in control of your pain.
Think of the advantages:
COMPLIMENTARY OFFER – Feel More Comfortable Wearing Your Face Mask MP3
As the Coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, for some people, having to wear a face mask, has seen their anxiety risen to new heights. Knowing the health benefits doesn’t necessarily make us feel more comfortable about wearing face masks, as the reasons behind our anxiety can vary greatly. Some of these reasons can include feelings of claustrophobia, a gagging sensation, often our health anxiety kicks in because it’s a visual reminder of the pandemic, many people have fears around their oxygen levels and not being able to breathe. This complementary hypnotherapy audio will help you feel more comfortable wearing your face mask, should you require further help, please contact me

COMPLIMENTARY OFFER – Understanding your pain e-guide and SOS pain relief MP3
Get my SOS pain relief audio MP3 – let’s turn down your pain and get relief from pain.
Use my e-guide to empower you to manage your pain.
Break the Pain Cycle in 28 days: Pain Busting Techniques for Every Day of the Month
Sleeping with Pain: Strategies for a restful night from a pain management expert
Managing Chronic Pain in the Family: Help for all the family

FOR £9.97 – a complete package supporting to develop relaxation skills, one of the most beneficial skills to learn to manage your pain.

A Fighting Fatigue Master Plan, a tailored programme unique to you.
For just £29.99 :