If you’ve been living with chronic pain, you may have tried countless treatments, medications, and therapies, all in search of relief. Yet, the pain persists. For many, this journey can feel frustrating and isolating. But what if I told you that your mind could play a significant role in your experience of pain? Dr. John...
People with Chronic / Persistent Pain, Lets Ride the Waves of Wellness: Uncovering the Benefits of Beach Life Some of my clients/patients at my pain psychology and hypnotherapy clinics online or in face to face in Milton Keynes have either come back from their holidays or are about to go. We often chat about their...
Unlock your Olympic Mindset: Shared Mental Strategies of Elite Athletes and People Living with Chronic/Persistent Pain Introduction Over the past few weeks, many of us have enjoyed the Olympics. Chatting to my clients/patients during the Olympics and afterwards, in my psychology and hypnotherapy clinic in both Milton Keynes and on-line; I shared the fact that...
Quite often at this time of year, I’m discussing travelling with my patients at my chronic pain clinics both online and in-person at Milton Keynes. Living with chronic pain can be challenging, and the thought of travelling might seem overwhelming. Yet, with some careful planning and practical strategies, you can still enjoy your trips while...
Although the weather in the UK, isn’t always so hot, when it is, we often find it more difficult to sleep. As we know lack of sleep affects our chronic/persistent pain, I often asked about this, in both my face-to-face pain psychology clinic and my on-line clinic, so this article is going to talk about...
As a hypnotherapist, you are dedicated to helping others heal and grow. However, to sustain this important work, it’s imperative to prioritize your own self-care. By taking deliberate steps to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental health, you not only enhance your quality of life but also become a more effective and resilient practitioner. Remember,...
I have often posted about how eating the right foods can help with chronic pain. So I will start with a quick recap. If you know the science behind your food choices it is much easier to make good choices. It is all about inflammation, which lies behind or worsens much chronic pain. Your immune...
We know that anxiety can increase pain and our perception of pain. At the moment we are living in a world situation that feels very unstable, uncertain and indeed dangerous in places, and it makes most of us more anxious than we would usually be. For some of you, this may be leading to a...
When I wrote my book on Long Covid (with Shelia Granger) I dealt with fatigue at some length. I know it is one of the major problems people who are dealing with Long Covid have to face. This week I am going to run through one of the main issues which people have to cope...
There is not much good to say about the Covid pandemic we have lived with for years now. But there is one thing which I think we can welcome. That is the huge amount of research that is going into Long Covid. This is the post-viral syndrome that is affecting large numbers of people who...