In my last blog, we saw last week how we can improve our mental attitude and how this can help us live with chronic pain. In this blog, we are going to look at some more direct help. How we can use our minds directly to lessen our pain. So here we go. Understanding chronic...
Do you recognise these scenarios? You have pain and you are in; you are tired. A thought comes into your head and will not leave. You begin saying to yourself, I am always tired, there must be something else wrong perhaps the doctor has missed something important. You begin to think you will not be...
If you are going to get the most out of your social life, even if you suffer with chronic pain, you need to learn how to ask for what you need. Watchwords here are: ask clearly, ask kindly, ask firmly. You need to be able to tell people your feelings and your needs in terms...
This month I am very happy to post this guest blog post by Thana, who has been affected by Long Covid. He details the interactions he has had on a local level to try to get more help. It is a perspective which most therapists will be very familiar with: the time is takes to...
We are now well over halfway through the summer. And it is a strange time for most of us. Confusion and uncertainty for us all We have to put up with a lot of confusion and uncertainty about so many things: • where we can go on holiday • if we should go...
How are you coping with the thought of restrictions being lifted soon? I’m seeing quite a few clients who are finding the change difficult. This blog will look at why. First things to say, if you are worried about the change, we are going through you are not alone. Many people find change difficult. It...
As I see more and more clients with Long Covid I am noticing how many are saying they have terrible insomnia and are being made even more miserable because they cannot sleep properly. As far as I know, the experts have not yet found evidence that Long Covid is a direct physical cause of insomnia...
Practical and psychological strategies for self-help I’m delighted to let you know that I have teamed up with Sheila Granger to write this book. All being well, it should be out next week! For more details, keep checking my facebook page Who would have thought, looking back just over a year, that we would...
As we come to the end of Stress Awareness Month, I thought I would take a look at how stress impacts on chronic pain and how chronic/ persistent pain can make stress worse. If you suffer from chronic pain, you will know something of this. You are probably already aware how stress can make your...
An introduction to self-hypnosis Okay I know we are going into a new phase, of re-entering normal life as lockdown eases, as some things we now can do and our we can’tlike attend events such as sporting fixtures and awards nights, which we can still watch on TV. I decided then, to do a...